Air Ambulance attacked


New Member
Came across this thread on another forum ... I thought it would be a good thread starter here ...
The Press Association: Teenagers attack air ambulance
Every day we read of instances like this,teenagers holding the place to ransome. Does anyone know what the hell is going on?? or ideally how to put paid to this sort of thing.

Reply 1 ...
I agree with you. It's disgusting and disgracefull. All reports on this and many other similar incidents refer to the culprits as lads. They are not lads. They are criminal thugs and should be reported as such, dealt with as such and properly punished as such.

Reply 2 ...
It has long been my personal view that the only development that will bring about any change to the continuously worsening situation we as a society are having to put up with is the return of conscription. Either that or we are heading for total anarchy. I am not so sure you can lay this at the door of this or any previous Government, there has been a general demise is people's standards and the problem, sadly, starts in the home and upbringing. Not a lot of point blaming schools either - one can only sympathise with them having to try and make something out of what we deliver into their hands. Besides, their hands are tied - if they open their mouths or lift their hands they are (a) out of a job and (b) up in some Court.
Whilst not wishing to start a hostile chain-reaction, and in addition to the damage caused by the media, irresponsible parentage, reducing standards and general disrespect to others, especially seniors, the aged, the establishment or any form of authority, is it purely coincidental that over the last 30-40 years we have witnessed Church after Church closing down, and the numbers attending those that remain halved or less? I think not.
It is frightening that historically when countries and societies 'lose the plot' in this manner, the consequence is often war.

Reply 3 ...
I think it's time that We got rid of Citizens Rights . That's what is causing all the problems, it only serves to protect the Evil 'fatherless children'. It's time that the Police are allowed to get tough on these morons. The do-Gooders are another problem. My Eldest Daughter is an Assistant Teacher at a Nursery school, No longer are they allowed to call a child naughty, any kid misbehaving is awarded not punished, Kids who are well behaved are not awarded. Kids who are disruptive in class are called special needs and Hyper active. Cor' makes My blood boil.


New Member
It's a bizarre world we live in. Has anyone ever met someone who thinks that yobbish behaviour is acceptable? Can't say I have, so I would certainly say the vast majority are deeply unhappy and concerned about how bad things have got. We can't go on making allowances or hiding behind the Human Rights Act - which has literally become a joke and a very poor taste one at that. This problem is just not going to go away, and in fact, will no doubt get worse. Time to give the Police and the Courts more power to deal with this. Or are we scared that might lead to a 'Police State' and we fear that more than yobbish behaviour so it's a choice of the lesser of two evils? The previous Government was prepared to go to war in far away countries and yet would pussy foot around the yob problem on our own doorstep. War was in the interest of national security, they said - but what's the point if the nation itself is rotting away from the inside. Perhaps the new Government will be different ....


New Member
Quite, but whilst we have a society that complains in part because they are being spied upon, only because they are doing something (allegedly) that requires official investigation, and that we have a society that complains of civil liberties being breached through 'unofficial' databases of prints or blood, when the only reason to complain is because of law infringements (allegedly) by certain outcasts (allegedly) of society, coupled with a near hand tied law enforcement, what chance is there for a corrective treatment of some kind?


Senior Member
Corporate media brainwashing, divide and conquer

Well this thread really has fallen for tokenism hook line and sinker. The corporate global domination ball keeps on rolling, perpetuating chaos within the ranks which is the perfect mechanism cunningly designed to keep your eye off the ball. The whole structure of society from the top is sick and inhuman. Gossip, money, competition, xenophobia, sex and lies dominate tv and magazines. Sharing is out of the window along with love and understanding for our fellow human beings. So what do you expect is going to be the resulting fruit of a warmongering society oiled by the wheels of slavery?????


New Member
A serious response thankyou, do remember that the initial post and initial replies are not my words, or opinions.


New Member
The press association, Ha, they now print and release only what they are told. If they had their way every supervisor would be issued with a firearm "Just In Case". I'm afraid that all of our rights are slowly being whittled away by constant new legislation which is rushed through to cover any and all scenarios that the Police and Ministers can imagine. Being held without being told why under the terrorism act is surely a step on the road to a society that lives under fear. The police are using this legislation to stop and search people because of creed or colour, or sometimes if you're in the wrong place at the wrong time. A far cry from being free. When was the last time we saw a happy newscast, it's usually all murders and tragedy shown and written about. They are trying to convince the general public that the police need the stronger powers to deal with the rising crime rate. Balderdash, just employ more officers and get them out of vehicles onto the street again, a police presence doesn't have to cause trouble if they react with thought before calling in the riot squad.
I wait for this new governments ideas, but doubt they have the brains or the power to do anything differently from the last lot.


New Member
An interesting angle, to which I see no objections .. however it is drifting from the point .. to summarise: are young violence, youth disrespect for elders and authority and youth crime on the increase? Is there a quick fix or a long term fix?


New Member
I believe that the hardliners would have us believe that conscription would sort them out, or bringing back the birch and similar punishments would prevent this riotous behaviour.
Personally I believe in justice for victims, criminal damage caused by young persons should be paid for by their parents. Any young person caught in posession of a weapon on the street should be sent to an institution no matter what age, and their parents forced to pay money towards their keep. ASBOS are useless, curfews are useless, warnings are even more useless against thugs. Get them off the streets asap, their partners in crime and friends would soon get the idea. This would be a quick fix, I don't think that any long term solution without first frightening the pants off these idiots would work. Anyhow why should we as a society put up with this behaviour any longer than we have to ? In days of yore a lot of these hooligans would have been "roughly handled" by neighbours or relatives and the police called rarely to sort it out. I believe this is coming back into fashion in Manchester to a degree on some of the more crowded estates, newspapers are calling them "vigilantes" but basically they are just folk that have had enough of the rowdy element and have decided to start patrolling the estates where they live. Drugs and crime have dropped on these estates, proof that sometimes the sword IS mightier than the pen.


New Member
Of course there are exceptional circumstances when a different approach should be used.
Anyone caught after beating up or mugging and in the worst case scenario killing an elderly woman either in her home or elsewhere, should be given to the relatives, not the police. They are quite welcome to his remains after real justice has been served. We saw Saddam hang, lets film the relatives revenge and put it on you tube, turn the tables of fear and let the troublemakers be scared of us !! How many movies would it take to stop elderly people being attacked?? That's up to them.

Now a few people reading this may think this is going too far, I'm afraid whatever your religion turning the other cheek is no longer an option. I can assure you no matter how strong your faith, or your belief that the criminal justice system is stopping these mindless acts, you're wrong in your thinking. Anyone that has seen the suffering of a family who's had to deal with this scenario, and watched the guilty party/parties get a six month prison sentence (maybe suspended) and think that the relatives are satisfied with that verdict, you're wrong. They want justice, not community service or probation, we've all seen pictures of young men leaving court with a grin on their face and a slap on the wrist. If you consider my solution ridiculous, harsh, or just plain mad, please tell me your ideas for a better safer life in our community.
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Senior Member
Tough on crime and tough on the causes of I laughed and laughed, mwaahhah

Well it seems that the media campaign to spread violence and unloving behaviour in the form of cartoons to initialise the depraved behaviour starting with innocent kiddies who just get plonked in front of the TV to the more advanced 'Transformers' and G.I.Joe' movies for the pre pubescent yobbo canditates is working fine. There is no quick fix and why should there be as the government have got everyone exactly where they want them with their eyes off the ball in a frenzy of hedonism initiated at 'playschool'. The ball being planet earth which is being taken over by an evil loveless mechanism run by the Neo Cons. The only possible fix can be a 180 degree turn motivated by a quantum raise in awareness declaring a manifesto of peace, love and sharing based on resources. Media and government warmongering activity is a crime and it breeds criminality.
OK folks, lock and load, I've got my shields up.


New Member
@46traveller - an often quoted phrase 'turn the other cheek' taken as a gospel ... it did not intend that anyone should in principle or maxim of faith should become a doormat and lie down under the 'tank treads'. I have seen the scenario you describe and justice is not meted out by the present system. I have personally seen the face of the self satisfied smirk ... 'got away with that one'. There was a time when this country had a 'name and shame' .. but the softheads stopped that, protecting the rights of individuals.
Your idea of extreme retribution has some social merit, but it would require a complete reversal of current laws and opinion. The success of so many Revenge films underlines the basic public feeling ... perhaps a Death Wish squad?
Just a question, not a personal suggestion.


New Member
I don't think death is a solution, unless it involves paedofiles, their form of offence against vulnerable young people often gets a sentence that allows them to continue their hideous crimes when released. The chopping off of hands in middle eastern countries may work there but in the UK that offender would now be a burden on society by claiming benefits. In any civilised society the punishment should fit the crime, this no longer happens to the extent that someone caught with say some marijuana on their person gets a stiffer sentence than a drunk driver who mows down a cyclist. The system has (to my mind) broken down. Legislation is in hand for more CCTV on the streets, far from being a preventive measure this system only works if the offenders face can be seen, and by the time the police arrive the offence has happened. We need a new system where the judges are actually living in the real world, not some mansion on a gated community. I don't suppose for one minute that a crown court judge has ever seen a drunken brawl where someone has been hit with a bottle. How can anyone judge a crime they have never witnessed, and seen the aftermath of within a family. I would like to see a select jury made up of a cross section of society, be allowed to recommend the sentence. A real world jury with experience of life on todays streets and housing estates. To have one man decide the sentence within guidelines laid down is ridiculous, and it isn't working for a great deal of society. We need a better system where the victims and their relatives get to have their say in court, and decide when they think the offender should be released. Unfortunately this will never happen, so it's back to the revenge and vigilante theory. I'm pretty sure it would work in a high percentage of violent crime.


Senior Member
An Eye For An Eye

Re the previous lynch mob based posts: An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind......or maybe in this case it should read an Icke for an Icke!


New Member
Ignoring the quotation out of context (a common enough occurrence) of a retributionalistic Toradic law, devised to protect wives and children, which was changed dramatically c25AD ... what is an alternative suggestion?


New Member
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~Lyn Beth Neylon

[/FONT][FONT=georgia, bookman old style, palatino linotype, book antiqua, palatino, trebuchet ms, helvetica, garamond, sans-serif, arial, verdana, avante garde, century gothic, comic sans ms, times, times new roman, serif]Silence never won rights. They are not handed down from above; they are forced by pressures from below.
~Roger Baldwin

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~Chinese Proverb[/FONT]
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