Facebook or 2facebook


Staff member
Well as another evening draws to an end I thought it would be nice to chat about your experience with the super giant site...Facebook.
Tracey and I have decided to close our Facebook accounts and move on.

Facebook was a tool to me, whereas Tracey used it to keep in contact with friends and family. I suppose its fair to say that we've enjoyed our stay with Facebook but to be honest I would be lying.
2Facebook, as I dubbed it has some serious social issues that stem from out of control adolescences. The site has virtually no administration and despite strong privacy laws, Facebook has made their website the most difficult to make a complaint or get administration.
An example is the recent death of a school girl who was bullied on Facebook. This sort of thing goes on every single day!
Why is it like this? Even I have been drawn in to a frenzy of abuse for reasons unknown. What does facebook to to people? or is this just how people really are?

I would like to here from anyone who has had good and bad experiences from facebook. I am also wanting to hear from anyone who has decided not to get a Facebook account and why they made that decision.


New Member
There is not a week that passes at work when 'Facebook' raises its ugly head with a case of cyber bullying.

I am not a Luddite against forms of new technology or media. I am though, a concerned professional who can forward to anyone who is interested, evidence of too many examples where Facebook has been used to disseminate pain and distress to vulnerable individuals. It is also a tool for paedophiles to trawl for and groom victims.

I, like many would like to see access to Facebook removed from IT facilities across all schools and colleges, and for a complete overall introduced to the monitoring and policing of this sort of site. Unfortunately there are too many 'do gooder -we have our rights' type people who resist this, with total disregard to past present and future victims of all forms of abuse.

It appears to me that the user regulations posted by Facebook are only a lip service, there to cover themselves against litigation. They should have a moral duty of care code for all of its users; this however as it is plain to see is not a part of their agenda.

I have never had, and never will have an account with 'Facebook', for reasons plain to see.
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HA! @HH I thought you were joking about putting a topic about facebook on here...
umm no comment for me at the moment a bit soon I think! but I will, and some day I will tell my story, infact I have two very different stories/experiences which really are not very nice, and both have left me feeling empty,numb, used & very upset,::4: and for these reasons I have chosen to leave facebook with immediate effect (tonight in fact)


New Member
@ sparky. So sorry that you too have suffered at the hands of 'Facebook'.

On a lighter note I have 4 more cups than missp. I pinched one off her and (hee hee) off HH.


Staff member
Well as I said in my first post I too became mad and have been guilty of posting some bizarre and unpleasant things on Facebook. Why? I'm a seasoned administrator, someone who knows how to control an debate and not turn it in to an argument?
I see an awful lot of scene in CW's post and I'm a little disturbed at the thought of allowing Facebook in to a school. In my opinion that is professional misconduct to allow such a thing.
Facebook can be a great experience, but it is fast becoming a bullies playground.
You can destroy an individuals credibility, a business or a good cause overnight! I've seen that happen with breathtaking speed. So Yes Facebook is dangerous. My suspicions... more people leave than join.


New Member
Lasted exactly three days on Fbook, pile of idiots and got fed up with pics of other folks children and relatives being stupid. Also agree with the fact that it's Paedo Territory. And on that subject, check out the list of MPs and Council Officials involved.



New Member
A photo with me in taken in the late eighties was tagged by someone who made a very hurtful remark about me just this year and another flagged it up. I know the remark was carelessly made and gross exaggeration.

I was tempted to get my own back in a certain anonymous way that is not becoming (easy enough though) but instead I just simmered with the injustice and sent a message to the person whose picture it was. Fortunately, this sensible person totally agreed with me and said they did not have good memories of the person who slagged me off, and kindly removed both the picture and the person's comments. Nevertheless, it has left me with a very nasty, bitter taste in my mouth and resolving not to take revenge and stoop to the slanderer's level was very hard to resist indeed.


Staff member
Interesting remarks from everyone... keep them coming.
If I had to relate Facebook (A.K.A 2facebook) to something more tangible it would have to be the CB (citizen band) radio. Great when it was illegal because everyone was terrified of being caught, therefore self administration was apparent. Also there was a great deal of respect for the fellow CB'er. Then FM (Frequency modulation) was introduced and that brought the kids and adolescence with it. Respect gone and the entire community destroyed.
Yet Facebook is a great place to meet people, but a terrible place to find enemy's.
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