National Health Service vs Local Health


Staff member
Sorry to hear that... my mother had one a few weeks ago. Early recognition of the signs is vital. Hope the recovery is speedy.


New Member
Many thanks for the kind wishes and offers, very good of you. This has been the first time I have had to face anything personal so major. My blood pressure is Mount Vesuvius (219 over 126) and needs to be stabilised, otherwise it is heart attack .. balance between getting better and not over exerting. My right leg is numb and my right arm is pins and needles. All the Best, Raymond


Staff member
One things for sure... you'll have to learn to let things slide now and then. BP is very odd and needs to be better controlled. What are the proposals beta blockers and water tablets?
You really should have more family and friends around you at times like these.
Take it easy and try and relax :)


New Member
Very sorry to hear that, treeve - and the news about your mum, HH.

The doctor reckons my mum has had two minor strokes recently as well - thankfully, no major damaged seems to be done and she appears to be ok.

And of course, I want to add my name to the list of people who have offered help if it's needed. Please do think about it, treeve - my mum is fiercely independent and I suspect you are too - but we all need help at some time.

You will ask if you need anything, won't you?

Hope you're on the mend and I wish you a full and speedy recovery.


New Member
Thankyou indeed, tabtab13 for you offer, and my physiotherapist underlines the need to not give up and to make ouselves get better by forcing ourselves to do the basic stuff like writing and typing normally, anything to relearn the process. Unlike my lifetime habit of ambidextrous abilities, I have to go back to square one. I am on ACE inhibitors, aspirin and simvastatin, trying to heal by taking as much rest as possible. Doing but not overdoing. I must have a go at using my right hand. I have to relearn writing, even though I cannot anyway. So used to typing. More later, feel so very tired.
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