Old Postcards

Planet Penwith

New Member

I have some old B&W postcards that Id like to put up...are there any copyright I need to know about before I think about uploading?

Thanks ;)


Staff member
Hi, yes there are a few postcard companies that are still trading and copyright is still active.
Frith is one of those companies but treeve posted some thoughts on that a while ago you can read it here
Some postcards do not carry any photographer or printers names and therefore it's hard to identify where or who owned the copyright. The copyright law states that you only need to make reasonable research to establish copyright. Therefore, if you asked members could they identify a postcards copyright owner and we couldn't then that could be deemed as sufficient research... hope that makes that clear.
Also some of the postcards that were copyrighted may well still be protected by law... however the photographer may well have died and therefore nobody will be able to prosecute you under the copyright law even though the material is protected still.... This is known as a ghost copyright.
Why not put them up and let us have a look. If we know that they are copyrighted and the owner is still active then we can remove then for you.

Planet Penwith

New Member
Cheers Steff. Will get my scanner to work.....I've seen a few Frith posted postcards on here. Have they not got copyright then?

(Edited) Ah...I read the bit treeve done regarding this....answered my q...ta mate
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