OK, seriously, if you know and revere Penzance so much, I would be interested to know which building areas you consider to be worthy of the bulldozer?
This town is primarily c1840 and earlier. The 1842 Tithe Map is very little different from that shown on the 1962 Ordnance Map.
Just who pays for this sterilisation?
I visit other towns of great design merit and heritage and I see dramatic efforts to preserve building and maritime history.
There are other places though that have injected the town with a disease, having introduced elements that satisfy every need to 'conform', creating lifeless and bland townscape, with no inspiration of identity or a uniqueness of place, no community.
It comes to something when it has been admitted to me that one department of Cornwall County objects, in writing to me, vehemently to what another department is attempting to do and has done.
It comes to something when those policies also are seen by our custodians of what is good in the Duchy, also object to those policies proposed.
I had worked for forty years on the basis of using what is there, rather than simply dozing it inro oblivion. Once again you talk about the 'beach', falling into the trap laid by certain people to discredit local opinion by trivialising it. This is not (for objectors) a matter of objecting to the scheme, just to the method in which it is planned to be executed.
There is a dichotomy in the ideals quoted. First, it is only a pier, then say preserve Victorian.
I have never been in favour of the measure and record it then doze it down policy. I have been in those souless places in London, where the very idea of having to visit my aging aunt because of the conditions under which she is living horrifies me.
As to whether or not the humanus maritimus has been seen swimming off Battery or anywhere else is concerned that is irrelevant. It is a part of our sea front.
It appears that you have not read this thread or the adjoining thread, or the detailed histories on the site. There is something of value here.
As to schemes mentioned, one has developed internal commercial problems, the other is not viable because of the state of the fishing industry generally, that the fishermen survive at all is down to their own tenacity and dedication driven by the fact that they have nothing else to place food on the table. They run on debt, and that feeds the banks.
As to a Sports Stadium, who says that every county MUST have stadia?
This economy is run by banks, insurance, HES, ISO9001, PI, Food & Hygeine and all the other agencies. It has very little to do with personal initiative or 'investment and development', how any business survives under such stranglehold these days is a miracle of perseverance.