I received this email from John Maggs (friends of Pennzance harbour) so I thought I would share it with you all.
[FONT="]Dear Friends,[/FONT]
[FONT="]The fight to protect the South Pier, seafront and Battery Rock beach goes on and it’s time, I’m afraid, for a bit more letter writing.[/FONT]
[FONT="]When the Secretary of State (SoS) gave Cornwall Council listed building consent (LBC) for the harbour works as they affect the South Pier, he also gave them permission to grant themselves planning for the only other aspect of the scheme that requires planning consent, namely the new seawall above the level of reclaimed land. The original planning application for this (No. 09-1118-P) was submitted and first considered by the strategic planning committee (SPC) at the same March 8th meeting as the LBC application - but consent for final approval was required from the SoS. [/FONT]
[FONT="]However, because of developments since the sea wall application was first considered, Cornwall Council has decided that before granting themselves planning permission they will send the application back to the SPC. The most important change of course has been the upgrading of the listed status of the South Pier to Grade II*. The decision to send the application back to the SPC follows advice from the Council’s legal department and is designed to head off any future challenge on the grounds that they have not followed the right procedures. It is NOT an indication that they are having second thoughts, and SPC members are being recommended to approve the application.[/FONT]
[FONT="]If you wrote objecting to the sea wall application the first time then you should have had a letter (copy attached) from Cornwall Council explaining what is going on and telling you that you can make a further written representation but not speak at the meeting (unless you spoke previously). If you only objected to the LBC application then you will probably not have got this letter but you can still object now.[/FONT]
[FONT="]In the letter from the Council it explains that any further objections must relate to the following changes of circumstances:[/FONT]
- [FONT="]the granting of Listed Building Consent with conditions by the Secretary of State for the works described in application reference number 10-0095-LBC;[/FONT]
- [FONT="]the replacement of national planning policy documents PPG15 and PPG 16 with the new national policy document PPS5 Planning and the Historic Environment; [/FONT]
- [FONT="]the upgrading in Listed Building status of South Pier from Grade II to Grade II*; and[/FONT]
- [FONT="]the granting of grade II listed Building status to the Battery and War Memorial.[/FONT]
[FONT="]Please try and find time over the weekend to write a new letter of objection[/FONT][FONT="]. Include your own observations on the above but you could also usefully mention the following points:[/FONT]
- [FONT="]English Heritage still object to the scheme and believe that alternatives should be investigated.[/FONT]
- [FONT="]The officer’s report to the committee accepts that the scheme will cause serious harm to the heritage (and environmental) assets of the town but justifies this by claiming that – in his opinion - the scheme will bring economic benefits that outweigh the harm. However, better, cheaper, less destructive alternatives exist, although they were not considered by the SoS (as being outside his remit) and are being ignored by Cornwall Council. The existence of alternatives entirely undermines the rationale for Option A and the logic of the officer’s recommendation of approval for the sea wall application. [/FONT]
- [FONT="]The scheme of which the new sea wall is a part is clearly in conflict with the recommendations of the recent AECOM study into the economic regeneration of Penzance. The harbour area is highlighted as a focus for regeneration with plans to stop through traffic and create shared pedestrian and vehicle space along Wharf Road. Clearly this cannot be compatible with locating a freight depot and associated heavy goods traffic in the area.[/FONT]
- [FONT="]And please mention again that an overwhelming majority of people in Penzance are against the scheme. The other side are quoting dodgy petition and Facebook figures but the last independent poll (in the Cornishman) showed that 70% were against the Council’s plans.[/FONT]
[FONT="]Please use your own words.[/FONT]
deadline for objections to be with Cornwall Council is 12:00 noon on 12th October (that's this coming Tuesday!). Given the shortage of time your letter of objection should be sent by email to:
dave.slatter@cornwall.gov.uk Please also copy your email to members of the strategic planning committee (their email addresses are in a document attached to this email).[/FONT]
[FONT="]The SPC will meet in the Council Chamber at County Hall in Truro on the 14th October (10am start) to consider the application.
A crowd outside to greet councillors would be good; please try and be there and let me know if you are coming. Placards will be available![/FONT]
[FONT="]It seems unlikely that the SPC will reverse their original decision but it is nonetheless very important that they continue to see that the public in Penzance firmly object to the sea wall application and to the whole Option A harbour scheme. It may be that the planning process surrounding the harbour scheme is subject to challenge in the future and it will strengthen our case if opposition has remained visibly strong and consistent.[/FONT]
[FONT="]Best wishes and thanks again for all your efforts.[/FONT]
[FONT="]John Maggs[/FONT]
[FONT="]Friends of Penzance Harbour[/FONT]
Here are the list of email address you'll need.
And for those of you who haven't received a copy of your letter here is a copy.
[FONT="]Your ref:[/FONT]
[FONT="]My ref:[/FONT]
[FONT="]29 September 2010[/FONT]
[FONT="]Dear ,[/FONT]
[FONT="]Application Number: 09-1118-P [/FONT]
[FONT="]Proposal: New sea wall (above reclaimed level)[/FONT]
[FONT="]Location: South Pier, Penzance Harbour, Penzance[/FONT]
[FONT="]Applicant: Cornwall Council[/FONT]
[FONT="]This application has previously been considered by the Council’s Planning Committee, who resolved that Application No. 09-1118-P (South Pier, Penzance Harbour, Penzance) be referred to the Secretary of State with the recommendation that the Council as local planning authority is minded to grant planning permission subject to the conditions reported to the meeting that considered the application.[/FONT]
[FONT="]The Secretary of State has considered the relevant planning issues and in his letter to the Council of 19th August 2010 concluded that “The proposal does not, in the Secretary of State’s view, raise issues of such wider significance requiring determination by him.” Consequently the decision as to whether to grant planning permission for this application therefore remains with Cornwall Council. [/FONT]
[FONT="]However since the Committee last considered the application in March of this year there have been several changes in circumstance of which the Council is aware, namely: [/FONT]
- [FONT="]the granting of Listed Building Consent with conditions by the Secretary of State for the works described in application reference number 10-0095-LBC;[/FONT]
- [FONT="]the replacement of national planning policy documents PPG15 and PPG 16 with the new national policy document PPS5 Planning and the Historic Environment; [/FONT]
- [FONT="]the upgrading in Listed Building status of South Pier from Grade II to Grade II*; and[/FONT]
- [FONT="]the granting of grade II listed Building status to the Battery and War Memorial.[/FONT]
[FONT="]Copies of the above together with details of the planning application can be viewed via the “What’s new in planning” web page on the Council’s website at
Cornwall Council - Penzance harbour [/FONT]
[FONT="]This change in circumstances will be reported to the Strategic Planning Committee at its meeting on the 14th October 2010. The meeting will be held in the [/FONT][FONT="]Council Chamber, Cornwall Council, County Hall, Truro, TR1 3AY and [/FONT][FONT="]commence at 10:00am.[/FONT]
[FONT="]You can see my report on the application from 7 days before the date of the meeting either by visiting the Council offices, by contacting us for a copy to be sent to you or on the Council’s web-site at
Cornwall Council [/FONT]
[FONT="]You can attend or listen to the debate and the Committee’s decision, however, as this application has been reported previously to the Strategic Planning Committee you will not be able to speak thereon, unless you registered to speak at the March 2010 Committee, in accordance with the Council’s Procedure for Public Speaking.[/FONT]
[FONT="]If you did not register to speak at the March 2010 meeting you will still be able to make written representations even though you will not be permitted to speak at the meeting. Any further representations should relate directly to the material changes listed above. Your representations, should you wish to make any, should be made in writing to me at the address below no later than noon on the 12th October 2010.[/FONT]
[FONT="]If you registered to speak at the March 2010 meeting you will be permitted to speak at the meeting on 14 October to make representations but only in relation to the material changes listed above and nothing more. If you intend to speak at the forthcoming meeting can you please liaise with Senior Democratic Services Officer, who will be contacting you shortly, so that we can add your name to list of persons intending to speak to help us manage the meeting. If you do not contact me to confirm that you intend to speak we will assume that you have no further representations to make to the meeting. You will be allowed up to three minutes to speak. In addition to this additional opportunity to speak you will also be able to make written representations as above.[/FONT]
[FONT="]I trust this information is helpful.[/FONT]
[FONT="]Yours Faithfully[/FONT]
[FONT="]David Slatter[/FONT]
[FONT="]Major Projects Manager[/FONT]
[FONT="]Planning and Regeneration Service[/FONT]
[FONT="]Cornwall Council[/FONT]
[FONT="]Camborne One Stop Shop[/FONT]
[FONT="]Dolcoath Road[/FONT]
[FONT="]Tel: 01209 614250[/FONT]
[FONT="]e-mail: dave.slatter@cornwall.go.uk[/FONT]