

This morning's sunrise.
With My Head In The Clouds

Watch! the clouds will alter
And ever change the sky;
From grey to blue will falter,
As moods are born and die.
Watch the different textures
Billow, drift on by,
Furrowed, ploughed like extra
Fields which fill the sky -
While down below life's changeless,
While down below life's still:
Life is just sheer tedium,
Nothing brings a thrill.
So with my head in the clouds
I'll allow my mind to wander;
Fantasies alleviate the strain.
So with my heads in the clouds,
I'll find time to drift and ponder
Extravaganzas roaming in my brain;
Engrossed so I don't notice all the rain.
So if I don't hear you,
It's 'cos I'm not all there.
If I don't seem near you
It's 'cos I cannot hear.
Break my concentration,
Jab me in the side;
Break the false sensation
And watch me while I slide -
Down where my life is changeless,
Where my life is still,
Where life's just sheer tedium,
And nothing brings a thrill.
So with my head in the clouds
I'll allow my mind to wander;
Fantasies alleviate the strain.
So with my heads in the clouds,
I'll find time to drift and ponder
Extravaganzas roaming in my brain;
Engrossed so I don't notice all the pain.
[ascribed to Willy Breakwindsphere]
You cannot be cirrus. Where did you get that poem? I wondered lonely as a duck ... Certainly not the Bard. Wrong construction, not his words, nor view of life. Though not enough angst to be Leonard Cohen.
Great picture, as I have said before, BOP you have a great affinity with nature's garner.
I used to be really into the works of Shakespeare, but these days I prefer traditional poetry. Mrs BoP reckons I've gone from Bard to verse...

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Sun Arise
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