The Ritz Penzance

The Ritz Penzance

Just one of the many rooms that housed electrical fuse boxes. This room was on the first floor.
Tom has been spending months rewiring the place and he says that most of the old cable is insulated with cloth.
I think this is the relatively new cabling... I'll upload the older stuff soon :)
So why was it called VIR?
The cable was insulated with rubber and wrapped with a kind of cloth, if I remember it stood for vinyl insulated rubber, but I'll check and come back on that.
Hi VIR cable was used many many years ago and VIR stands for ' Vulcanised India Rubber '. Horrid stuff.
Every Saturday morning hundreds of us kids would turn up to the RitZ for ABC Minors. The ABC Minors Club. IF you were lucky and crawled a little you could become a Monitor. You got a big badge, free admission ( Normally 6p ) and yes a torch. I know . I was one. We had our own song. Click through for a memory

Actually there is plenty about the ABC Minors with pics on Google. ' ABC Minors '

Ah memories.


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