
  1. Treneere Shops

    Treneere Shops

    The shops at Treneere. October 2008
  2. Treneere rovers.

    Treneere rovers.

    Can you name anyone?
  3. Treneere


    Lescudjack infants school.
  4. Sunshine over the Coombe (Treneere).

    Sunshine over the Coombe (Treneere).

    Struck by the ethereal nature of the light through that cloud (1964). A word of caution ... I did not look through the viewfinder to take this. I held a piece of white paper and projected the viewer image on that. Never look at the sun through any binoculars or camera lens, your retina can be...
  5. Treneere Shower

    Treneere Shower

    On the left, Nr 63 to 73 (67 behind the tree) prefabs, Polmeere Road; on the right Nr 66 and 68 Polmeere Road. Looking over the junction to Lower Peverell Road, in a bright spot on a showery day. Look at those TV aerials. Lower Trannack Farm cowsheds and stables behind the prefabs. 1961. That...
  6. Treneere Estate

    Treneere Estate

    Infrared photo; prefabs seen from my room at Nr 64 Polmeere Road. Left of picture .. Note the TV aerial and its height to get reception.
  7. Treneere Manor

    Treneere Manor

    The chapel which is in the roof space, there will be alot more info on the Treenere Manor by Treeve please come back to take a look
  8. Treneere Manor

    Treneere Manor

    A lovely archway
  9. Treneere Manor

    Treneere Manor

    A working bell
  10. Treneere Manor

    Treneere Manor

    A lovely view
  11. Treneere Manor

    Treneere Manor

    Another room in the roof space
  12. Treneere Manor

    Treneere Manor

    In the roof space now....and presently surprised just how much room/space there was
  13. Treneere Manor

    Treneere Manor

    A double door room
  14. Treneere Manor

    Treneere Manor

    A garden view taken from the first floor window and overlooking in the back ground you can see Manor Way
  15. Treneere Manor

    Treneere Manor

    A few from the first set of stairs taken on the open day
  16. Treneere Manor

    Treneere Manor

    Gorgeous thick well made quality curtains
  17. Treneere Manor

    Treneere Manor

    Taken at the open day
  18. Treneere Manor

    Treneere Manor

    Steff took this one ( well he took them all) at the open day
  19. Treneere Manor

    Treneere Manor

    A stunning picture of a grand house taken on the open day A fab day out it was too!
  20. Treneere Manor

    Treneere Manor

    Hello everyone!.......steps going down to the lower part of garden
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