Crop circle season but not in Cornwall...any idea why? How are they made?


Senior Member
Crop circles generally start appearing in April in the UK but I've never heard about any crop circles being created in Cornwall. Does anyone have any theories as to why this might be? Does anyone have any photos of Cornish crop circles?


New Member
Crop circles generally start appearing in April in the UK but I've never heard about any crop circles being created in Cornwall. Does anyone have any theories as to why this might be? Does anyone have any photos of Cornish crop circles?

Theories around the cause of crop include; that the circles are patterns from the landings of alien spacecraft, vortexes, lightning, plasma and natural forces such as wind, heat and animals. Many believe that most if not all,are the designs of pranksters. After my experience in Corfu last year I am completely open minded on this one. For the record crop circles were reported in the Helston area in June 2008.


Senior Member
Falmouth Packet report on Helston crop circles 2008

Thanks Chilly Willy for that fascinating info. I had read that UK crop circles are generally found in the mid southern areas such as Wiltshire and Hampshire. Though I'm now curious as to the experience you mentioned that happened to you in Corfu which you say left you with an open mind. There are those who are prepared to exploit the existence of crop circles much to the chagrin of serious croppy enthusiasts. For instance this link is good for a laugh though I'm sure some would fall for it.


New Member
Thanks Chilly Willy for that fascinating info. I had read that UK crop circles are generally found in the mid southern areas such as Wiltshire and Hampshire. Though I'm now curious as to the experience you mentioned that happened to you in Corfu which you say left you with an open mind. There are those who are prepared to exploit the existence of crop circles much to the chagrin of serious croppy enthusiasts. For instance this link is good for a laugh though I'm sure some would fall for it.

I am a 50 year old college lecturer from Penzance in Cornwall England, who with my wife Pat were holidaying in North Corfu and visiting my brother and sister in law who live there.

My wife, brother, sister in law and myself were driving back from a dinner party in Kassiopi North Corfu. The date was 29th July 2009 and the time 00.50(am). I was the driver and will add completely sober as were my passengers. We were heading to Perithia Village where my brother (David) and his wife (Lyn) live. It was a clear and warm starlit night

As you leave Kassiopi there is a long straight well lit stretch of road about 400 yards long after which there is a long stretch of bendy road. To my right is the Ionian Sea and Albania to my left inland Corfu which is a high hilly terrain.

As I left the town and entered the straight stretch of road I could see two very bright orange lights on the hill line and assumed them to be originating from Lotses which is a large village up in the hills situated above Perithia and thought no more about them. I entered the windy stretch of road and drove through the little village of Imarolia and drove up a slight incline away from the village which is followed by a long sharp left hand bend. On completing the bend I then noticed in the sky above and in front of us 3 bright orange balls accompanied by a much larger (x 4/5 larger. My brother who was in the passenger seat shouted out 'what the ...’. Everyone screamed stop the car which I did about 100 yards on just off the road. We all got out of the car and assembled around it. I asked if anyone had a camera knowing mine was back at base in our beach bag. Unfortunately nobody did. So we all watched the following events almost in complete silence apart from the odd shouts of 'did you see that' when something spectacular happened. The objects did not emit any audible noise.

The three small lights at first appeared randomly spaced apart and were situated I would guess between Roda (a town further along the road we were on) and mainland Albania. The larger light was above Roda itself. Height is difficult to estimate, they were very high in the sky much higher than the neighbouring hills of Corfu ad Albania. All of the lights appeared stationery.

The three smaller lights then positioned themselves into a straight line. Well apart from each other in an alignment away from us. The larger light continued to hover well apart from the alignment. Then the middle light of the line up of small lights moved outwards towards Albania. The nearest and rear aligned light moved inwards towards Corfu and towards the furthest light to form a perfect delta shaped V. They continued to hover for roughly 30 to 40 seconds. The larger light remained unmoved during these manoeuvres. Then the furthest away light started to move off away from us and was followed by the light nearest Albania followed by the light nearest Corfu. They moved away from us towards Southern Italy and appeared to ascend at the same time. Not straight up but at an incline at I would estimate at 45 degrees. All three lights were out of vision within twenty seconds. The larger light remained in its original position for about another 30 seconds or so before moving off in the same direction as the others disappearing again within twenty seconds on the same trajectory.

The speed of the manoeuvres was terrific and perfect and the velocity of acceleration away from us was greater still. I have watched 'The Red Arrows in England several times, this was nothing like that. The speed they moved across the sky was much faster than anything I have seen at an air display and the acceleration out of view faster than anything I have seen at all.

We were filled with awe and disbelief during this spectacle and yet filled with excitement and euphoria to have witnessed this event.

I am not claiming that they were aliens; I just cannot explain what they were. It s difficult to get across the speed these things carried out the display of movement and acceleration, I have seen nothing like this before..
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Senior Member
Similar reports ignored by the government

Well thanks Chilly Willy for sharing that one. I'm sure you're aware that there are thousands of similar reports, one of the most famous being 'The Phoenix Lights'. If anyone thinks this has nothing to do with crop circles then look at this . A crop circle of an alien holding an encoded message disc which appeared adjacent to a couple of radio masts. Many people believe the crop circles to be a form of intelligent communication yet there is a pitiful lack of mainstream investigation into the subject much the same as the government attitude towards the ufo phenomenon as displayed here MoD UFO Project Axed . So it's up to the individual who has the conviction and courage to stand up and be browbeaten by the likes of know-it alls who'll tell you that ufos are weather balloons and crop circles are man made to help expand awareness of what the eye of the camera can see but the corporate media are unable to take seriously. I mean here comes summer and what's it gonna be...crop circles or cricket?


New Member
Crop Circles

Finite Thoughts are not a part of my experiences.
'Things' spiritual have had a profound effect on me, they defy any rational definition through science. Yet it is that same Spiritual envelope that defines the Cosmos, and that is governed by the order and chaos that exists in this world and in others, as well as those that exist in other dimensions. That is why Michael Moorcock figures in my reading as much as Stephen Hawking, The Holy Bible and Kahlil Gibran.
If the Cosmos itself cannot be defined as the traveller in the Great Void, then any other traveller within that Cosmos is plausible. Such events as 'Crop Circles' have been around for thousands of years. Long before the spate of hoaxes and geometric explorations of possilities with boards and cord. I had seen a Crop Circle back in 1994. Curious as to why no blasting of the edge, or burn marks. I did believe that some external contact must have been made. I cannot remember precisely where, but it was in the Swindon area.
One point is that it is curious that the 'message' is left in the corn season. Perhaps because it was known to be a simple way of leaving a marker, without frightening the 'locals'. There have been strange accounts of lights, trees being moved, and even hills (complete with houses) disappearing over the centuries.
What does this tell us? That there is a greater intelligence out there, that they mean no malice, that they have learned the ways of man and his crops. The drive 'mechanism' has to be very sophisticated, using forces that are beyond our capabilities.
Let's face it if (contradiction in terms coming up) military minds got hold of it, the results would be devastating. That is also why there is so much denial and secrecy surrounding such matters on an official basis. But, how does anyone explain the Mowing Devil of 1678, without either accepting that such as Doug Bower and Dave Chorley were at work or, a much more likely scenario, that something from another world or dimension was at work?
The difficulty now arises, as to just how any kind of communication may be possible with the hoaxes detracting from the real. Will the 'visitors' assume the created circles to be 'Man's' feeble attempts at answering ... what if the messages are read or misinterpreted by the visitors?


New Member
Crop circles are not a modern occurrence. They have been reported and witnessed by policemen and farmers going back as far as 1890. They are repeated and told stories around the world and exist in the folklore of South Africa. Eastern Europe and China. They are also mentioned in several 17th Century academic texts. There are eyewitnesses who claim to have seen crop circles forming in under fifteen seconds.
Around 1980 they re-appeared as simple circles and rings in southern England. By the late 1980s they had developed into elaborate designs, While I have no doubt many are 'man made' there are several that deft explanation.
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New Member

That is all the evidence anyone should need ... 1686.

The Church also discouraged the people from gathering from such places, in 815 AD ... not exactly new. If indeed this relates to actual circles, who knows, but is a strange fantastic belief that the Lyonnaise held. Way beyond the trappings of our present sophistication.

As to why Cornwall should be limited in them, perhaps because of the limited grain crop and limited field sizes?
Wide rolling hills filled with corn would be easier read than on landscapes divided by high stone hedges.
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Senior Member
Cereal dismissal of common sense

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that some of these massive complex designs, some spanning areas larger than a sports stadium are no way products of a group of people trampling vegetation overnight in an orderly fashion unless of course you allow the corporate media to make your mind up for you in which case It was Doug and Dave and Team Satan what done 'em and Lee Harvey Oswald who topped JFK. I like to think that the circles are communicating a wake up call to humanity in a friendly and intelligent manner.


Senior Member
Rational observations of crop circle information

I just came across this link full of sensible comments about these uncanny phenomena.
Does anyone have any information regarding the Alien face and disc found at Crabwood Farm in August 2002? There's a message in the disc but that's just the start of it.


New Member
Worth a read ...
Crop Circle Reports

It is said that there are no direct reports of crop circles in China, could that be because the main southern crop is rice?

I am curious though as to why the bulk is seen in a land that is not gifted with a bureaucracy that could be described as an intelligent life form. My other concern is that the hoaxers and pranksters have actually destroyed any possible dialogue.


New Member
In August 2002, a very intricate crop circle and face appeared at Crabwood Farm House in Wiltshire, England. It may be interpreted that the disc contained a binary coded message, similar to a CD or DVD. It was certainly an incredible form of art whether produced by aliens or mankind. There are several sites online dedicated to this particular circle.


New Member
Just a thought, not a cynical no no. IF the present complex patterns are not produced by the two alien factions 'ships', or strange floating balls that disappear completely from this dimension, or are not produced (as being too complex for one night's board stanking), a major technique used on football grounds and rock concerts is the three wire remote control camera; a few simple controls hooked up to a computer can direct the agroglyphic cereal basher in no time; it was said that a helicopter was heard on the night in question, but the idea of some inane welly booted board basher swinging from the end of a rope is more worthy of an episode from Only Fools and Horses, Rodney have been chosen to do the footwork. What I find to be bizarre is the public governmental response to 'aliens'. After all it is clear that the aliens possess a far greater understanding of the powers of the universe, and it appears that they wish to pass this on. I believe that to be their first bad move, passing it on to a bunch of inept power seeking parasites. In that, I am a cynic.


Senior Member
The investigation is wide open

Well I was entertained by the Stoned Wallabies story especially the comments beneath it. If you read it you'd be forgiven for thinking that Cornwall would be awash with crop circles considering it also has herds of stoned wannabes staggering around particularly at weekends. Regarding the statement on China the National Geographic website does state
As the crop circle phenomenon gained momentum, formations have also been reported in Australia, South Africa, China, Russia, and many other countries, frequently in close proximity to ancient sacred sites
There's seems to be a lot of 'shooting first and asking questions later'. Well there's a whole world that deserves to know and all I mostly come across is speculation linked to fascinating facts which clearly connect the designs to sacred geometry as well as results from scientific tests done on germinations of seed from within and just outside bona fide crop circles that clearly exhibit remarkable results but nobody has categorically stated how or by whom they are created. It's a bit like a jigsaw that's here on the ground with evidence available annually yet if the investigation into 9/11 is anything to go by there'll be no official government report until the circle makers have joyfully given themselves up. There's plenty of disinformation and debunking that is promoted by the corporate media in it's effort to keep people thinking inside the box that's rattling in anticipation of Jordan's next boob job, national lottery results and the next big political scandal. This extends to those who thought processes have unwittingly been rerouted to tow the official spoonfed line.


Staff member
Ok I must confess that I haven't yet read this thread... been a bit busy. However I will by adding my two pence worth very soon. I find the subject fascinating. Despite media hype this isn't a new phenomena by any means. It's in the bible (depending on wich one you look) and has often been referred to as a prophecy.
Personally I thing we have a wonderful world with a lot that we don't understand. Although its the very nature of the human race to control and analyse, I dread the day when knowledge becomes exhausted (not in my lifetime)
Anyway, I've got a couple of jobs to do so watch out for the weekend.
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