Google Street Maps


Staff member
Yes, we've seen a few and one of our members rrrrrrichie stars in a few as well.
Google is a forward thinking search engine ::1:
It's going to make the mystery game a lot easier from now on ;)


New Member
Despite some people's reservations it is a great facility for those living away from County,particularly abroad, to take a trip around Cornwall.

People researching family history, who may never visit the County ,are able to look around the town or village where their ancestors came from.


Staff member
I am optimising the site and earlier I completed RSS feeds for the site (note the rss icon in your browser) yet I naffed up and posted the links under Bin Pirate back to our site. The posts should have been a live feed to other external websites (traffic building).
So it acted like a mirror and posted within a post. I did stop the post cron but thought no damage was done... Until CW pm'd me and explained the mess.
Still all sorted now ::1:


New Member
I was wondering what was happening, figured you were simply re-structuring/optimising as you said before; where is this RSS icon exactly? I cannot see anything different.


Staff member
Sorry been busy and didn't see this post.
Your using IE so you should see it on your browser nect to the little house (Homepage icon) top right. It's orange and looks like a radiating something or other. Firefox users will see the RSS symbol in the address bar far right.
If you fancy subscribing to a thread then click the rss feed and choose your settings.

A couple of things got broken this evening... still fixing them.


Google Maps Update!

Google Street View is now in 3-D!

Just click on the 3-D Glasses icon and bits of blue and red appear to give the 3-D effect when viewed with 3-D glasses.

I must say it actually works quite well! Give it a go.


Dev Team
oh i've seen their 3-D bit might try it out later, HH you can use the 3-D glasses from one of the thousands of DVD's you have I'm sure there is a pair of paper glasses in there somewhere ::11:

if not failing that just go on ebay and type in 3-D glasses I'm sure you'll find some good ones on there.
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