New Hall of Fame


Staff member
By now you would have either seen the notice I posted up or would have noticed the change in the scoring for the Hall of Fame.
The changes were a direct result of the last months members meeting where it was decided to combine the scores from the Mystery Game and Bitz "n" Pieces games at the end of the month. It was also decided to include one point for every picture that was uploaded to the game. There was a cap of no more than 5 pictures live in the gallery at any time (the idea is to prevent flooding and members gaining points by uploading loads of pictures just because).
We'll I think it has gone ok, but what are you thinking?
I'm going to propose a couple of extra steps.
Why not hide the leader board and the guessed album so that nobody really knows who's winning and who's not and then reveal the board at the end of the month. Then the leader board and guessed album could be available to be scrutinised by all.
It might add that little extra bit of fun and mystique to the game.... anyone?


Yep like the idea, as CW says we can always go back if it shouldn't work out ( how many cups have you got now?!!!!) lol::11:


New Member
All sounds good to me. I think giving points to members for uploading pics is a great idea as hopefully it will encourage more people to upload to the section.
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