

New Member
Hi all, i have been registered since 2008 but never been a regular visitor until recently.

Met up with sparky and hh again after a couple of years and they helped me out with some advice which is helping greatly sofar. They mentioned checking in on the site and its great to see how its progressed, they have done a great job and its good to see a nice (local) bunch of people situated here.

I used to go to humphry davy school in the mid to late nineties, always liked the buildings themselves- never actually realised that until i was thinking (and failing miserably)of something to write here, never been good at intros! I then went to Penwith College at the turn of the century (thats awesome, i never thought i could say something like that).

Recently got a job working alongside the police, helping to keep our area safe and i am really pleased, i put alot of effort into getting this job!

Im quite quiet in real life so i wont be posting alot, but will contribute if i have something. Not a photographer, so may be more encouragement/praise for those of you who are.


New Member
Hello Matt and a big welcome, it is never easy putting down 'on paper' thoughts. But once the mind has broken the 'silence' it is easier the next time. I see that you have had a good grounding in police work, where you can really get to grips with society and be a positive force in people from all sides of life. That take courage and commitment, so well done you. There is nothing wrong with being quiet and thoughtful. As to photography, there is no mystery or hidden talent required. It is a matter of looking, seing, feeling and storing. I have had a camera in my hand since I was ten, that is nearly 60 years now. I am still learning. I encourage you to get out there with a camera, and add your view of this world.
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