Respect the police or get a punch in the face?


Staff member

A policeman hits a student protester on the student protest on the 30th of November at trafalgar square.
Comments please!


New Member
Not being in full possession of the facts, it is all too easy to align with the pitch fork armies of the media


Staff member
Yes now you mention it... I think the policeman was simply pointing directions out ::11: lol


Staff member
I peaceful student protest about grants that have been cut.... other than that you tell me. Can't see any other aggressor other than the policeman. From what I can see the students have their hands by their waists.
Tell me what you make of this


Staff member
I understand that trying to watch YouTube videos for evidence isn't easy as they have no step motion... yet here is a freeze frame from 6 seconds in and you will clearly see the aggressor (in this case the police officer punching a student) being restrained by a fellow officer who is stood behind. Clearly if the restraining officer thinks that his fellow officer is out of line, then we must assume that his actions are OTT and possibly criminal.
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New Member
Have I missed something .. all I saw was?
"A policeman hits a student protester on the student protest on the 30th of November at trafalgar square. Comments please! "


Staff member
We have no details about what the protest was about... but as far as I know it was peaceful... so the question is why the violence from the constabulary?


New Member
A few other questions arise including the filming at that specific moment of those particular people. Maybe the action was an over reaction, who can tell?


Staff member
Apparently the students gathered to complain about recent grant cuts. Some decided to spray the statue and the police arrived ready for a riot. So far so good. Now the filming was done by student that claims to be waiting for a bus and not part of the crowd, yet after he was punched by the police he decided to film the event. That's how the story is being told on Youtube anyhow.


New Member
A private corporate army of thugs.

There are some good coppers somewhere, that's a fact. But if they can't stop this kind of behaviour from their fellow constables, who can????

Sorry, there can be no excuse for thuggery from constables who have sworn on oath to protect us... The ugly truth is this is happening too much, too often we see images of officers in full body armour striking out with batons, against members of the public, who are only exercising their lawful right to protest. It's small wonder that the folk on this island are sick and tired of members of the police force being charged with offences and suspended on full pay for months at a time, and resigning with a part pension before the court case can be heard. Maybe when they discover that in five years time officers serving now will have no pension fund left, they may well change their minds. Until then the corporate court system in this country will keep taking money at every opportunity from the populus in fines. The government are making it harder for us NOT to commit a crime, with ridiculous statute legislation covering just about everything. Traffic offences for which you are expected to pay an on the spot fine, now include eating an apple whilst driving. Revenue is their sole purpose, not justice. Woman in trafalger square dropped a cigarette butt on the floor, instant fine of sixty pounds..Give us yer money...Spend a day in any magistrates court, witness for yourself the people going through the system. Even if you're not there, the verdict is guilty, and a fine is levied in your absence. What ever happened to justice?? They buried it under the title of " Sod Justice, Give Us Your Money".
The awful situation (which isn't so far away now) will see members of the public returning the violence in kind. Although violence is abhorrent to most folk, if you see a friend being beaten by the police, it will be hard not to retalliate. The law says that if you are attacked with a weapon by ANYBODY, you may use force to defend yourself. Half the time when you see violence at a demonstration it's the forces of (Supposed) Law And Order that start it, they then arrest anyone that retalliates, and the blatantly controlled media blame the protestors. It's all B.S. and more and more folk can see it for what it is, government gone money mad and power crazy. If you need a glimpse into how this all may turn out, should the protests fail, may I suggest that you watch the movie "V For Vendetta". The future is up to each and everyone of us, when your children ask you "Why didn't you stop it while you had the chance?" "I couldn't be arsed" will not suffice as an answer.........

Go on someone, tell me when the identity card went through parliament. Well if it hasn't why is this notice being sent to Magistrates and the Judiciary ??

Identity cards
Identity cards are now being introduced into Britain. These are to be regarded in the same way as a passport. A court may require the surrender of an identity card following a Travel Restriction Order, Football Banning Order or as a condition of bail. Prosecutors are therefore reminded to request the surrender of any identity card that may have been issued to the defendant whenever it would be appropriate to ask for the surrender of the passport. It is also important that the process for alerting the Identity and Passport Service is followed as notification will ensure that the Identity and Passport Service is able to ensure that a replacement passport or national identity card is not issued to the person concerned as long as the particular condition is in force.

MPs Gravy Train Rolls On.

Paul O Grady, tells how it is........

Senate Bill S510 Makes it illegal to Grow, Share, Trade or Sell Homegrown Food

Coming to a health food shop near you if nobody can stop them. Here's a raid in the USA with guns drawn "In A Health Food Store" Not drugs wholesome food, that means not GM modified, home grown Veg. That's right, evidently the aim is to stop people growing food for themselves. Then we are at the stage where our food supplies can be controlled by the BIG stores only, we eat what they tell us to eat. Think about it, total control over food sources means BIG BUCKS for the Monsanto Group of companies who already have patents on many seeds. then it's "You buy our seeds or starve". Oh yeah, by the way, the flowers that our seeds produce will not produce their own seeds, so you will have to buy from us every year. Get with the program folks, if nothings done or said very soon, they will arrest you for growing Veg.
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New Member
Well no comments so far, maybe if Andrew George MP could look in and comment on how he feels about his Liberal leaders traitorous turn round on the Student Grants fiasco.

You only have to read the pre election promises to realise that they change the rules as soon as they get in power. What a bunch of money grabbing con men, no other words for it. His party along with the Con-servative spivs actually cheered when the cuts were announced, millions of folk pushed into more debt, and they're cheering. That's who you voted for, liars and people who don't give a monkys about us, as long as their gravy train keeps running.
I personally have no wish to be GOVERNED any more, by a bunch of con men. I will be drawing my money from the bank on December 7th along with many others, to show them that I think they are also a bunch of good for nothing parasites, who only care for their bonuses which they still receive even though the UK taxpayer bailed them out for millions. They're laughing at you, while stealing your childrens future. Guarantee their kids won't be going short or feeling the cold this winter. When the deaths of elderly folk from hypothermia start to appear on the news and in papers, think about this post. Then think "Why was this situation allowed to happen with a supposed caring Government in power?"

One more thing, please note that the Government and various scientific bodies are now calling GLOBAL WARMING, climate change. Yep they got that wrong as well, but of course the plans to reap millions of dollars from the Carbon Tax Bill rolls on. They awarded the Nobel Peace Prize to that American turnip who made a good few bob from the DVD which is shown all round the World and claimed as true, when in fact it's a bunch of lies, and part facts, which other scientists are now proving. Don't take my word for it, do your own research, not just Youtube, read the scientific papers on the subject, it's a shocking truth.

Come on Mr George, tell these folks that you are so disillusioned with politics that you are resigning. That's not likely is it, your excuse will be that you believe you can do more if you stay in Parliament. Great, but first please let us know how you intend to go about it. After all we decided that you were the best of a bad bunch and voted for you, how about a little honesty for a change.....

Just thought I'd add the Oath which MPs swear before they are allowed to vote etc. Check it out, there's nothing in it that states they have to help us in any way. Don't you think it would be a better idea if they included in the Oath something that holds them responsible for their actions towards us?? Never gonna happen, but until it does we can expect nothing from them.

Wording of the oaths

The wording of the oaths and the way the oaths are taken in both Houses was established in the Oaths Act 1978.
Members take the oath by holding the sacred text in his or her uplifted hand and says the words of the oath:
I (name of Member) swear by Almighty God that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth, her heirs and successors, according to law. So help me God.
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