Sweet Dreams Are Made of This


New Member
green green grass of home

Hi Tab Tab.
I really like this dream. I have to say I have never studied dreams, and do not profess to really understand them. If I did I would be a Millionaire now and I would now be living in you house at the top of the hill.
I think you have deciphered this dream pretty well yourself. My guess would be that you are in a place that you don't want to be. The house on the hill is "your dream situation", a place where you are above and away from things that stress you out. From this point you are removed from all the trumpery of modern expectancy. You need time to consider your options, so you go to a place which is away from the mill of life. You know this place exists, but to enter is a big step. The fact that this house is not on it's own tells me that you never want to be on your own, and although you want to be free, you don't want to be remote, and feel abandoned, you need people, but you also need your own space when you want it. I feel that Green is a very peaceful colour, the cool grass, the breeze through the trees. Yes I think you are right, you are looking up and away from what binds you, but I assure you that although we may not share the exact dream, we have the same goal in mind. So I guess it's back to the future for both of us.


New Member
I think there's a lot of truth in what you say, bear. There's a bloke who has given up everything and gone to Africa to help with the survival of Lions. Others have gone to Borneo and set up Orangutan sanctuaries from scratch.

These sort of people I greatly admire and it would be a "dream situation" to be in. What's stopping me from doing this? Probably fear of such an up-routing. Should I be doing it? Yes. Am I ready for it? No. Or at least not yet.


New Member
Hi TabTab.
I can only talk from my own experience.
I have a stepson, who came to me 20years ago and laid a table before me that was puzzling him. He wanted to travel the world, but he also wanted to be an architect. He was about 20 then, and he asked me what he should do, stressing the point "what I would do". I have no kids myself, so this question was one that I was not prepared for. I have to say I was really touched by the fact that he thought so much of my opinion. I asked him why he coudn't do both? he said that it took 10yrs + to become an architect, so I asked him how long did expect his globetrotting to last. This was a grey area, but he reckoned about a year. So I said becoming an architect will take you 11 years instead of 10 years. So I advised him to take on the world before he got too old to enjoy it. To be fair I really didn't think he would come back with the same goal, but he did. He took numerous bum jobs and paid for himself to go through university, after his degree he worked for quite a few small firms, and now he is his own boss. I have real respect for that kind of commitment. But you see he had a goal, and he made it work through some very hard times, as I have no money,and couldn't help him. Now I'm not saying that "this could be you", because I don't know your personal circumstances, all I am saying is that if you really want it, you can get it. If the time is not right just now, don't give up hope.
I wish you the best of luck my friend.


New Member
Thanks for that bear. Long term plans are in action to achieve the goal plus I have commitments at present, but if everything comes to fruition, there will be finance to start something in the future. Perhaps not something the other side of the world, but somewhere more local instead.

But I digress, so back to the thread. Anyone else like to chip in with their night time dreams?


New Member

Had a strange one last night - as I've mentioned before, I always seem to be around the 25 years old mark in my dreams. Last night in my dream, I caught a glimpse of myself in a mirror. There was a slight resemblance and I was older than 25, the features weren't clearly defined, but I remember in the dream saying to myself, "hang, on - that's not me!" This is the first time in literally ages that I have not been 25 in my dreams ...


New Member
To me that screams out that your 'present self' does not consider that your younger past self and your past desires is you.


New Member
Oh! Not sure if that's meant to be a good thing or a bad thing. Are you thinking that the desires I had when I was younger are no long valid at my current age?

Or is it a case of not facing the fact I'm getting older and I'm going "hang on, that's not me - I'm still 25"?

Could you elaborate more?
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New Member
To glimpse an image of yourself as 'older' than the 25 is an admission that we none of use are getting any younger. It is about that recognition and the fact that an inner question has been raised. How you deal with it is up to you. The id has an admission that the ego is maturing, therefore the body also, and may have limitations to his desires by virtue of a perceived 'weakness'. It could be 'the truth' or a 'doubt'. Effectively it is asking you to be sure as to your motives and abilities before setting off on a course of action. I have discovered that childhood bullying of myself and my consequent bloody mindedness has given me the strength to bypass perceived limitations. But I pay the price on occasion. Like last year, 'I do not care how hot it is, or how steep that mountain is ... I am going up there.' A momentary slip of concentration and I lost my footing and fell, rolled down the mountain slope by 14 feet. It hurt and stunned. If I had been on the other side of the mountain and it had happened then, you would not get a reply from me on this thread at all. It is a sobering thought that all it takes is the wrong combination of determination and geography and someone up there is closing the drapes. It was a fantastic day, but it could have been my last. 1800 feet is a fair drop with nothing at the bottom except rock.


New Member
Animal dreams

Dreamt about animals last night, which in itself is quite unusual on the basis that I love animals (we have 5 cats) so I would have thought they would appear in my dreams more frequently.

I was deep in a cavern yet it was fairly light being lit by what looked like sunshine coming through holes in the roof - a kind of spotlight effect. A head of me there was a group of 30 or more cats. From up above on a ledge, a figure appeared and tossed a large mackerel down to them.

I was wearing a long cloak with a hood - like you see in biblical films - and I stepped forward which unnerved the cats and they backed away from the fish. I stood with my arms apart, crucifixion style, and said "Do not fear me for I am the god of all cats." Mmmm .... yes - I wonder what that's all about?!

The cats calmed down and I went towards them but heard something behind me. Turned around and saw what looked like a squirrel pop its head up. A seagull swooped down and picked it up but dropped it so I ran over to see if was ok. Where it fell, a white tea towel neatly covered it, so I lifted it up and there was a white duck underneath, no wounds, but it was choking for air. I looked at it, thought if it's in pain and near to death I should put it out of its misery, got anxious and then woke up.

What struck my mind in this dream was that a lot of things were twice their normal size - the cats, the fish, the seagull, the squirrel, the duck - even the tea towel. And, anything white had a glow to it - any white cat fur, the seagull and especially the tea towel and the duck. It was a pretty good dream until the end - should have known anxiety was going to crop up at some point!


New Member
Do not forget that Love plays a big part in your life, giving and receiving. The hooded garment could be a number of things, anonymity, an air of magical mysticism (too much Tolkein?), the outstretched arms certainly reflect benificence; as your dream went on, life is always a hazard, and with care comes responsibilty. A little message to not default on responsibilities. Larger than Life is an expression that comes to mind, lighten up. Try not to take it all too seriously, and chill out on funny buns, man. Or maybe that was the reason for the trip? Takes 'Online Users' to a new level of definition?


New Member
To be honest, that whale interpretation is rather off the mark, it misses a lot of important information and advice; whales are large and yet most of their lives are immersed in water (emotions), the water state is more important. Whales also represent the earliest and deepest of our collective past, yet are now, despite the present and persistent innocence and wonder of communication and navigation are seriously under threat by Man. It depends on the circumstances surrounding the observed dream whale.


New Member
you are safe in that cave my friend, sheltered and and with your friends, (the cats). It's not all you want, but it is safe. You are not in the spot light, but it shows you that there is a world outside, maybe you feel it is drawing you. It would be interesting to know what the person who feeds the cats with fish looks like. for example is this person dressed like you? Or do you feel that the cats know who is feeding them, even though it's not you.The bird stiffled by the tea towel is also interesting. something that flies, but is brought low by a tea towel. The squirrel holds things back until better times. he prepares for a possible hard winter. In your dream he turns into a duck (or any kind of bird), a dream you have to keep alive. Hence anxiety.
I don't know how old you are Tab Tab, but I'm 57, and I still wish there was more to life than what I have. My wife is a lot older than me and I will bet you now that she has the same dreams as we have. We all feel trapeed at times, but the alternatives are risky, and could be painful so sometomes it is better to put your dreams back in the box, ..........but leave the lid open.


New Member
Thanks for the feedback everyone. ::1:

Bear - I'm almost 49 and as you'll have read in my other posts in this thread, I tend to be around 25 in my dreams. But after mentioning that, I had that dream where I saw myself and I wasn't 25, and now in this dream, I have no idea how old I was, and instead of being 'dressed how I was at 25', I was in a cloak. I'm thinking this symbolises a change - or at least deep down I am now facing up to the fact that I am actually not 25 anymore. In my conscious state, I wouldn't say that was a problem, but I guess subconsciously it is?

On waking from this dream, I thought "how arrogant to proclaim yourself the god of all cats" - or the god of anything come to that. Strange I thought it arrogant as opposed to ridiculous. But in the dream, it was said with all sincerity and seemed perfectly natural - a state of fact, if you like. But if I was a 'god', why get anxious about the duck dying - was my 'god like powers' only over cats and not other animals?

I'm curious about the figure who fed the cats the fish. Why just the one fish for so many? A connection with Jesus feeding the multitude with some bread and a few fishes? Why was the figure above me and why couldn't I make out who it was. Was it me - or who I strive to be perhaps? Actions speak louder than words and this figure was doing something - feeding the cats, while I just spouted off words.

Perhaps answers will be revealed next time I dream.


Staff member
@ treeve. I didn't post it for the whale content. I said that there were links to large animals on that page.
I don't proclaim to be a dream interpretor.


New Member
I know, but the fact it was way off for me on whales made me worry about the rest of that site. We none of us are interpreters of dreams, except about our own dreams. After all we should know ourselves. We each have different experiences and differnt symbolics.
Trouble is there is more accent on the last two syllables in many books and websites. ::6::)
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