

Senior Member
I would like to find out who the little toe rags are that broke into the storage container on Alverton playing field. The container was put there by CN4C and contained children's play equipment for the children of Alverton to play with, and now thanks to some mindless twerp a lot of it has gone and the rest is just thrown every were.
Not Happy


New Member
Are you any further forth as to definition and proposal for the Playing Field?

To steal and destroy by breaking and entering a private storage facility, despicable; obviously one of 'our' synapsially challenged low life.

I doubt whoever it was is far from the area of the storage, as they are generally too lazy to have climbed to the top of a hill from lower down. Knowledge as to the location of such storage does not come except by sight or word of mouth, since communication is a hardship for these illiterates, it must have been seen.

I take it that the police have been notified. I sincerely hope that the contents had been photographed as a matter of record, and the present state of the field, storage and contents?

Do not forget there is a directive that forbids 'under age' to be verbally abused or reprimanded, as it may hurt their feelings and may have permanent damage to their psychology. That has already happened by some quirk beyond present society's control. Bring back the days when a copper dragged a kid by his ears to his parent's house, and he got a thrashing by his father, for upsetting the police and for the damage caused. The world has gone soft. Does anyone Care anymore? The answer is YES, but the wrong ones.


New Member
From this has come an idea for the site. To have a section for photographs and requests for help on loss or damages. Damaged car? Stolen goods? Upload a picture of the loss so it can be identified if placed on eBay, or sold locally. Maybe someone will remember someone passing the car with a baseball bat? Who knows?

So Harvey69, have you any pictures to go in the section?


Senior Member
No we didn't have any photo's of the stolen property, but i must say the Police have done a brilliant job and found the stolen property and have arrested a person in connection with it.

So well done to the Police


New Member
Excellent, Well done The Police.
But, I would strongly advise anyone to photograph contents of their home, and property that may come within the beady eyes of those with an unhealthy desire. It would make the job of The Police even less of a struggle and make it all the more unfruitful for the thief.


Staff member
Begs the question should we have a lost/stolen and found section of the site.
Cats go missing all the time, what do you think.::16:


New Member
Yes - a fantastic idea HH. Fortunately for us, none of our cats have ever gone missing, but if they did, it would be great to be able to post some details on the site.


Staff member
OK, I have to prune the forum over the next few days and also put up some script to allow members who post pictures on here a link to thier favourite social network as well.
I'm working on video uplinks as we speak... keep tuned.
Oh BTW I have added this day in history to the forum, let me know if it's too tacky::1:::1:


Staff member
Just like to point out that the lost and stolen section isn't my idea. Treeve posted the suggestion back at the beginning of the thread and he brought up the subject at the last members meeting.
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