Tim Jones


New Member
Once again, the Media and The World at Large has done what they do best. They hear but do not listen, they make assumptions as to what is meant by the speaker, without following threads of reason and discussion, missing out the important parts, ie the bits they want to ignore because it would not sell papers. Once again the Church receives a slagging and another Member of The Cloth is bad mouthed, and God is demonised.

No amount of well founded work and kind effort will alter the fact that there will be poor and that they will be surrounded by fat-cats and chavs, there will be obscenely rich, a great deal of those overpaid and of worthless human spirit to their fellow. While over 500 sleep rough each night, there are those that pour in to the local and pour out endless drinks, there are those that complain bitterly of the price of their choice of tobacco death, or complain of the price of fuel to keep their cars moving at all. Poverty is not only a disease from the past that Society refuses to fully accept it is one of considerable relativity to the individual and their own view of what is just and proper for them. Hoever, we also need to remind ourselves that the poor need the rich. Otherwise if the rich are made to 'suffer' more equality than is sensible, the poorer sections will not have jobs. In much the same manner that the previous generations gained employment and houses from Land Owners, once the Estates had to be sold off to pay taxes, the poor lost employment and roofs over their heads, in the end there is only the historic house left and no staff. Balance and Proportion is required. In all walks of Life. There is no X-Factor list of 'the best and worst of crime' - It is all wrong. However, in Society's Eyes, and in Human Terms, it is better to filch the church lead work than to smash some pensioner over the head to steal their milk money. It makes neither right. It is us that has placed this qualification in the endless opinion polls, the TV quiz, the need to place everything into neat little boxes; the television schedules and the magazines are filled with pointless voting and 'celebrity status' applied to meaningless abilities, and often those with no talent or ability. The 'self worth' is diminished
even more, with so many candles being held up for us as 'the example' of how to be, when we all have our own searchlights within us, if only we would turn them on and look beyond the garbage.

Les Miserables, a wonderful story, but also misinterpreted by some .... 'well, he nicked bread and silver' .... missing completely the great feeling of hurt that he felt for his own crime against those that had helped him, his own crime against the state, his own crime against his family, his immense sense of Right and of Wrong, his immense wish to make recompense and to help others. He knew not to allow someone else to pay for his crime. This was a personal journey. This Journey is missing from so many lives now, instead of which the measuring stick for our Selves is interpreted as the measuring stick for our appearance or possession, and we are lead to believe we are inadequate ... how many have bought a 'self-help' book?

Contrary to popular belief 'God helps them who help themselves' is not a Biblical quotation. A number of versions have been handed down to us over the ages. As far as any assistance from God is concened we have two options. To use whatever wit we have and awareness to see the situation and to act, or to sit and wait for The Divine Finger to point from The Heavens. No doubt that certain situations arise that are Miraculous, but to rely on that happening is asking too much of anything. We have to thank Samuel Smiles, Aesop, Euripides, George Herbert, Benjamin Franklyn, Sidney Algernon, Sophocles, La Fontaine and others. For me, the magic is in being to accept who we truly are and to allow the inner light of ourselves to shine through, having cleaned off the dross and tarnish that this world deposits on us.

Peace and Happiness is yours, Hold it.
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