Timber !!!


New Member
Trying to get started in my oil painting again.
Time was I used to go in to the sawyard down by Leskinnick, great guy, and get my timber. Also in Parkers. Also in Harveys (which became UBM and then Jewsons), later went in to Ace Home Improvements. This was not always for picture framing or canvas picture stretching, I also used it for models. Is there anywhere left in town to get it? It used to be so easy to get it (selected timber and or grain). I eventually want to continue with model ship building, so I need good timber. Any ideas? :)
(Ignoring B&Q for lots of reasons);)


New Member
There's Jewsons out on Jelbert Way - though that's probably the place Bop is referring to.

On the painting front, are you avoiding 'pre-made' canvases - as I know of a couple of places in town that do those?


New Member
Thank you - I remember now, out towards the heliport, a merchant, I got a lot of materials there five years ago. There was also a merchant up the road to Gulval from Tesco, as well; probably gone. It is still a long way to bring it back; I'll have to wait for a non-rainy non-windy not too many people around day, and certainly a non vehicle intense day. So much better when we had someone in town.
I have some boards and stretched canvasses here, just found them last night, but I have had, for a long time, projects in mind to paint rather larger than the set sizes .. there is only one place in town (to my mind) to get materials and canavasses and that is in Chapel Street The Art Shop - I have known the gentleman since he used to be in Whites Stationers and Art Supplies (which ended up being Forbuoys, it is a shop, but not as I know it). As you can see in my album on Chapel Street I have a high regard for The Art Shop.


New Member
Forbouys - that used to be Whites of Alverton, didn't it? I think they still have an art dept upstairs. Jim's up Causewayhead has an art dept too and that shop on the terrace that sells books etc (opposite the old tesco's) sell canvases, paints too. What the quality is though, I don't know.

On the wood front, I know exactly what you mean. Been wanting to get some to put across the beams in our loft so we can store heavier stuff up there. Not a lot, just enough to stack a few things so a place in town would be ideal to get that from. Been meaning to take a trip out to Jewson's with our trolley - though having shifted some old planks taken from a house renovation with it, I know how tricky that can be - especially if the wind gets up!


New Member
Yes indeed, quality ... trouble is we live in an age where a guy picks up a paintbrush and reckons he is a house decorator (Mears style). It has largely killed off the skilled trained decorator. My uncle could paint walls and it would look like the room had been flock wallpapered - he could be shown a crock-made pair of deal doors and they would end up looking like they were solid oak, a craftsman; I also remember seeing young lads being trained in that expertise at College. I digress ...

To be blunt, I buy what I consider to be quality goods and materials from what I consider to be a man with integrity, who treats me properly.

I am in no great hurry for the timber, I have only now managed to clear the studio .. I have the PCs to get sorted yet as well as the research to get started again. I have to ease the paint tubes as well, that will take a while, they have not been opened for three years ...
a tip ... get a bowl of hot water and dip the tops of the tubes into the water for two minutes. Then take out, generally the tube should come off using a cloth as a grip. It saves wrenching the tube head in half, not a good idea with paint tubes containing intense dyes and oil. If the top toes not want to move, keep trying until it does. Not boiling, not warm, just hot enough to put the hand in without it hurting. Same is true for any oil tube; I use the same method for the varnish covering bottle, only make sure the lid is not loose before upturning!


New Member
Just a quick thought on the wood front - perhaps Regent Joinery on Voundervour Lane might have off-cuts etc they would sell for the model building - or perhaps for canvas frames too?


New Member
Now that is excellent thinking ... they made just about all 'our' joinery for us, I still see Hedley Nicholls occasionally, they certainly will have top quality timber there, and if they are anything like they used to be, a selection of timber dating back to the construction of The Ark, so well-seasoned. Cannot believe that I forgot them. Thank you.


New Member
That not liking the look of the weather,
'E were thinking of building an Ark.
'E'd gotten the wood for the bulwarks,
And all t'other shipbuilding junk,
And wanted some nice Bird's Eye Maple
To panel the side of 'is bunk.
Now Maple were Sam's Mon-o-po-ly;
That means it were all 'is to cut,
And nobody else 'adn't got none;
So 'e asked Noah three ha'pence a foot.
'A ha'pence too much,' replied Noah,
'Penny a foot's more the mark;
A penny a foot, and when rain comes,
I'll give you a ride in me Ark.'


New Member
On the subject of Ark building, has anyone seen or noticed any evidence of ark building going on anywhere - what with all this bad weather we've been having recently?

If so, I think the rest of us need to know about it!


New Member
Nice one ... one of the Stanley Holloway monologues?

by the way, I once made a model of The Ark, based entirely on the Biblical description. It had no resemblance to the generally depicted illustration in books.


New Member
Biblical history - one of my interests. Saw a pretty good documentary on tv the other night showing various important sites connected to Christ based on bible descriptions. Might you have any photos of your model? I'd be keen to see them if you did.


New Member
Sorry no pictures, I may have a drawing somewhere ... It is often slung at me that there is no historical evidence of the spread of Christianity in early times ... well, excuse me ... I seem to remember that history was written by the top dog in a conflict of any kind. What do these specialists expect, a sign scribbled on a wall 'Jesus wos 'ere'. Yet society now revolves around present day urban myths and the celebrity culture (now there is a dichotomy in terms). ....

What was the question ....?::6:


New Member
The builders merchant up from Tesco towards Gulval is still there. I think it is called 'IBuild'. As for art materials you can get some pretty good deals online.


New Member
Thanks to you both ....
Of course ... K&R, years since I went out there.
Good to have this natter and I hope it proves useful to anyone else


New Member
Yesterday I read “Timber” with interest but was unable to help with any useful input. Sam Oglethwaite was the only wood dealer that came to mind and he is fictional. However with the weather going from bad to worse and the reference to the Ark I thought that he deserved a mention. My intention was to give an explanation and then copy some appropriate lines. Due to unexpected delays when it came time to log off all I had were the lines – these I rudely posted off guessing that you would fathom out where they came from. Relieved to see that you were “right on” in recognising one of
Stanley Holloway’s lesser known monologues, my favourite, “ Three Ha’ Pence a Foot”
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